I don’t know about you but I love it when my home feels warm and cozy. Especially when it is snowing and cold outside, it’s just nice to be able to relax in your own warm home and enjoy being cozy.

Have you ever wondered the tips and tricks on how some people seem to have a warm and welcoming home? Have you ever felt overwhelmed and not quite sure how you could create your own cozy haven either when you walk through your front door or you just want a cozier bedroom?

If you are, then I want to share with you easy ways to make your home feel cozy. Whether you own your own home or are renting, if you implement a few of these ideas I have on this list, it will not only help you create a cozy haven in your home, but also help you to transform any room you are decorating into a cozy masterpiece. And who doesn’t love a cozy bedroom to lounge in or a living room where you can enjoy a nice book?

Before we get started you will want to save this for later if you don’t have time to read this list now!

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Easy Ways to Make Home Feel Cozy

Creating a cozy home is not hard if you know what steps to take. There are many different approaches and things that can help make your new home feel like yours and have that warm and cozy feeling as well. I know that everyone has their own definition of cozy and different ways that they implement it into their homes as well. That’s the best part about decorating a home. There are no right or wrong ways! Just simple tips and tricks when it comes to decorating to help you create your own cozy home.

Below I have a list of easy ways that you can create your own cozy home and what makes a home feel more cozy. You can either do all of these or just pick a few of these ideas and see how even the small things can make a huge difference in making your home cozy. Are you ready to get started? Let’s go!

Start With Front Door

The first easy way to create a cozy vibe for your home before you ever set foot through your front door is to start with the outside. A couple of ways you can do that is by either painting your front door with a warm color, hang a decorative wreath on your front door or add some beautiful florals and greenery on your front porch.

By starting with the front door, you are already setting the tone for the interior of your home. So when guests come they already feel welcome just by the looks of your front porch.

Easy Ways to Make Home Feel Cozy

Furniture Placement

I placed furniture placement second because once you walk through the front door into your home, it is vital that your home or living room doesn’t look small and cramped. Furniture placement believe it or not can really make or break a room. By furniture placement it will either make your home feel warm and welcoming or make it look small, cramped and cluttered. Therefore taking away from making your bedroom or living room feeling cozy in the future.

Easy Ways to Make Home Feel Cozy

Furniture placement is one of those things that is probably mostly overlooked but it is the first crucial step to creating a cozy space once you set foot through your front door. So sit back, look at the space that you have in your living room and decide the best way to place your furniture to create an open, inviting and comfortable space.

Once you have your living room done, you can implement this step in all of your other rooms to transform your whole space!

Add Texture

Now for adding the texture to your home. The texture can be anything from pillows, blankets, curtains and an area rug. When adding texture just think about layering these items to make your home feel warm and cozy. Try layering some pillows on your couch or your bed, put up some curtains, lay out a nice area rug and of course don’t forget to layer a blanket or two on your couch.

I layered some pillows on my other couch and then folded a fluffy blanket and laid it over the arm of our other couch. It’s easy to grab and cuddle up with when I need it and it makes the couch look comfortable. What do you think?

Try implementing a few of these layered items and see what you think.


Adding books into your home is another way that you can create a cozy feel to your home. If you aren’t a huge book reader then don’t worry! Adding books is still a great way to add some cozy charm into your home. You can finally put some use to those old books that you aren’t sure what to do with.

I have another post on different ways you can decorate with books if you want to see different ideas.

You can do this by either creating a cozy reading nook in a corner, using them as decor on your table or decorating them with a nice vase. There are so many creative ways that you can decorate and use books in your decor to make your home feel cozy.

Use Decorative Baskets

Using Decorative baskets is another easy way to make your home feel cozy. I love using all types of different baskets in my home because there are so many things you can do with a decorative basket. From using it to store all of your throw blankets, placing some neatly folded towels in them for your bathroom and even using them to organize your everyday household items.

Easy Ways to Make Home Feel Cozy

I use a big decorative basket to store all of my throw blankets in, in my living room because blankets to me make me feel cozy. Plus who doesn’t want to cuddle up on the couch, drink something hot and watch tv? So have fun and add in some cute wicker baskets into your home.

Add Wall Art

Adding wall art is another simple and easy way you can create your own beautiful space.

I love wall art because you can add your own style and they have a tendency of making your room not look so boring. Plus there are so many cute wall art options out there to add some character to your home.

Easy Ways to Make Home Feel Cozy

Change out Bulbs

Another trick that I like when it comes to making my home feel warm and cozy, is lights! I know it may sound weird that changing something so simple could make or break your space, but it really does matter when it comes to lights.

When you think about it when a room is brightened up from when it is daylight it makes the room shine. The same is when it comes to using lights in your home when the sun goes down.

I have had lightbulbs that weren’t very bright when the sun goes down and it makes my bedroom or living room look dark and makes me feel like I am straining my eyes. It may be just me but when I have brighter lights in my home I feel more comfortable.

So opt for a brighter and warmer light bulb and showcase your home. You can also do this by opting for some cute lamps by your bed or couch.

Use Candles

Ok, candles and wax melts are my weakness. I added candles into this list because to me scents play a huge roll in making my home feel warm and comfortable. Just think of when you are baking cookies, how the smell wafts throughout your home. Wax melts and candles do that without you having to turn on the oven to get some good smells going through your home.

If you don’t have or use a wax melter I highly recommend you get one for your home. There are so many different seasonal wax melts you can melt and to me using seasonal scents not only get me in the mood for the fall or Christmas seasons but I just enjoy playing with different scents in my home.

Easy Ways to Make Home Feel Cozy

I have even bought a candle and opened the lid while I was away at work, so that way I could get the scents wafting through my home while I was gone. That way when you walk through the door from a long day at work it will smell like a home goods store.

Add Greenery/ Florals

Another thing that makes a room feel cozy is to add some fun greenery or florals. Try adding some real plants or fake greenery in with your home in a cute vase and see your space liven up. I placed this vase downstairs on my shelf to try and liven it up.

To me I love using fake greenery and florals only because they last longer and I have not been gifted with a green thumb. Haha! But if you have a green thumb, then I would definitely add in some of your favorite plants or flowers to home to make it come alive.

Easy Ways to Make Home Feel Cozy


I hope that these quick simple tips on easy ways to make your home feel cozy helped and gave you some ideas on how you can cozy up your home. Let me know in the comments below what your favorite ways of creating a cozy home are and what cozy essentials do you love to use?

Don’t forget to grab 25+ ways on how you can decorate your home with what you already have. Have a blessed week!

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