It’s almost that time of year again to start thinking about the warmer weather, sunshine and thinking about your summer vacations. But another thing that most people think of, is pulling out their spring cleaning checklist. I love spring and to me there is nothing that feels better than getting your yearly spring cleaning done in your home. It not only feels good to mark stuff off of your to do list, but there’s also something about giving your home a new spring refresh from the long winter months.

If you are ready to start your home on a spring clean, then you will not want to miss this free Spring Cleaning Checklist!

Save for later! 🙂

With spring though, comes the deep cleaning. For most people this is where they pull out their furniture and clean underneath everything, high and low. Dusting, mopping, vacuuming, and so forth.

From being cooped up all winter long, not being able to be outdoors. It’s a time to refresh your space and start the cleaning and organizing part before your summer gets too busy.

If you are like me and love having a checklist to go to for getting things done. Then you are definitely in the right place! 🙂

I have created a Spring cleaning checklist to make it easier for you for when it is that time of year you want to start your spring cleaning for your home.

It’s super easy to follow. My recommendation is that you laminate it before you start checking things off of your list so that you can use it over and over again and many years down the road. It’s totally up to you though. 🙂

Spring Cleaning Checklist

This spring cleaning checklist has a weekly schedule where you can pick one room to deep clean a little at a time each week. This is especially great if you work full time and don’t have a whole day to spend cleaning one room. Just do little tasks at a time.

Spring Cleaning Checklist

It also includes a room by room checklist where you can choose one room and start checking things off of your list as you go, along with a quick spring cleaning checklist where you have everything on one sheet. Also included is an empty sheet to add in your own spring cleaning to-do’s. 🙂

God Bless and happy cleaning! 🙂

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