Arts and crafts is something that I have always loved and enjoyed as a kid. Even as an adult I still find myself loving arts and crafts. The only difference is instead of construction paper, markers and stamps. I like to experiment with other types of crafts that involve with adding to my home decorating.

A while ago I had this great idea that I was going to buy twine to wrap around a mason jar. As I see those types of crafts everywhere.

The only problem was once I bought it, I no longer wanted to use it for that. In fact! I didn’t even know why I had bought it in the first place. Have you ever been there? So I was thinking of all kinds of different things I could do and make out of it, as there are so many ideas that I have in my head. One idea came into my head and I decided that it was perfect. So I pulled out some beads and started deciding on the color scheme and how I was going to do this!

Here is how I used Twine to make my own twine tassels for a couple vases around my home.

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Twine Tassel

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Items you will need

For quite a while I have had a bunch of glass jewelry beads lying around. I used to enjoy making bracelets when I was younger or experiment with making earrings. After I got a little older I wasn’t quite sure what I really wanted to do with them but then I thought about using them to create a couple beaded tassels with the twine to decorate a couple of my vases with. And who doesn’t love some pretty beads? I know I do!

How I created A Home Decor Twine Tassel

The first thing I did was measure the twine around the mouth of the vase. That way I knew how big it needed to be for going around the vase when I was done. Once, I knew how big it needed to be around, I then tied a knot to tie it off where it needed to be.

Twine Tassle
Twine Tassel

Once I tied the knot, I then twisted the twine all the way to the bottom and then tied a single knot to where I wanted the tassel to hang. I left about an inch on the bottom to be sure that I had enough of the tassel.

Twine Tassel

The next thing I did was grabbed some thread to tie and secure the glass beads on. Because of these beads being very small and being used to make jewelry, I had to use some thread to tie them on as the twine is too thick.

I then used a needle to secure the beads to the twine and tied it with a couple knots. I secured the beads on the top and then on the bottom, before I started making the twine tassel part.

Twine Tassel

To make the tassel piece I measured and cut 4 1 inch pieces and then threaded them through the knot that I had made. Once you have them threaded through you will tie the knot and need to work it and straighten it out as it will be going in different directions.

To get the rugged tassel look I untwisted the twine and would brush it with my hand. It will shed a lot as you are working it, so keep untwisting and pulling off the shed while working each piece until you get the tassel to look the way that you want it.

Twine Tassel

Once you get it worked and untwisted, it should look like this. To help keep it in it’s place you can either use small wiring and wrap around the top of the tassel or you can use some colorful string as well. I chose to use some jewelry wiring that I had and wrapped it around the top of the tassel. But this is completely optional. I didn’t do this with my other tassel that I had made below.

Twine Tassel

I also made another little twine tassel for another one of my vases. I really like how this one turned out and love the coloring. I feel like it really adds extra character to a few of my vases around my home. It also allows me to repurpose and use these pretty glass jewelry beads that have been sitting around for a while. What do you think?


I hope that this post on twine tassel has helped inspire you to create and add a twine tassel to your home or to do a fun home decor craft with. Let me know in the comments below what you think of these beaded twine tassels and what do you love to use twine for in your home decorating?

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