We all know and tend to struggle with keeping a clean home. I mean time is something that we all don’t feel like we have but if you do a small step everyday, it will ensure that you have a clean home and that your home stays clean, you have to create a habit to get into.

With these 10 habits of people with clean homes you can implement these habits today and see great results!

Don’t have time now? Save and Pin for later! 🙂

10 habits of people with clean homes

10 Habits of people with clean homes

Have you ever wanted to come back from a long day at work to a clean home?

Ever felt overwhelmed by the daunting challenges daily chores seem to hold? Me Too!

To me having a clean home is the best feeling in the world. To come home from a long day from work to a clean and organized place, feels more like a safe haven than a challenge.

Just imagine coming home not having to worry about cleaning or feeling the urge to clean as soon as you walk in through that door. Pretty amazing right?

With this list on 10 habits of people with clean homes, I hope that it inspires and encourages you today to create and make the home you love. 🙂

Make the Bed

The first habit, is to make the bed. Those that always have clean homes start out their day by making their beds every morning after getting up.

So, start your day out right and make the bed. 🙂

10 habits of people with clean homes

Pick up after themselves

Picking up after themselves is another habit that those with clean homes do regularly. You may notice they don’t have unfolded laundry out and about or dirty dishes.

Everything is put in its home place and nothing is lying out on their counters or in their living rooms that is not suppose to be there.

10 habits of people with clean homes

Folding the laundry, placing dirty clothes into the wash machine and making sure that all dirty dishes are put away will ensure you have a spotless home.

Keep Floors Clean

Ever spill juice or milk on the floor and forget to clean it up? Well, cleaning up spills and messes once they happen and not leaving them to dirty up your floors, is another habit that clean people have.

Sweeping, vacuuming and mopping the floors often, ensures they have clean floors all of the time. Whether you have pets that shed terribly or live out in the country where the dirt and dust pile up. Keeping your floors clean no matter the challenge will keep your home looking great!

Bad Food Smells

Ever walk into your kitchen and have a terrible smell hit your nose as soon as you walk in that room?

Well, taking out the trash regularly and keeping your garbage disposal clean, will not only keep your home smelling fresh, but prevent any bad food smells from wafting through your home.

Cleaning as they go

Instead of waiting for the dishes to pile up or allowing miscellaneous items on the counter tops to take over before you decide to start cleaning. I find that cleaning as you go, makes it not only easier when it is time to clean that room but makes it easier on you in the long run.

Getting into the habit of wiping down kitchen cabinets, bathroom cabinets and sinks everyday, will keep your home looking fresh and clean no matter the time of day.

10 habits of people with clean homes

Dust weekly

Dusting furniture, light fixtures, baseboards, doors, kitchen appliances and spider webs out of the corners, are one of a million other things that people with clean homes do.

Dusting regularly will not only keep you from breathing in dirt and dust buildups you don’t want. But also keep your space looking bright and beautiful.

Do Laundry Often

Do you find yourself washing the laundry once it piles up and realizing you don’t have clean socks or a shirt?

Washing your laundry a few days out of the week will keep not only your laundry room clean, but also save you from washing and folding laundry all day on the weekends. Plus when you need socks or a shirt that day, you have what you need. 😉

Picking a couple days out of your week to wash a couple loads of laundry will make your load feel way lighter.

I would recommend by washing all towels one day, and then choose another day for clothes.

10 habits of people with clean homes

Keep Clutter Piles Away

Keeping clutter away can be a challenge. Picking up after themselves and also not allowing papers, laundry or anything to pile up on their tables or corners can be a tough but rewarding habit to get into.

Throwing out old receipts, papers and any other items that will wind up in your garbage eventually, will save you from throwing it away later.

Donate Items

Donate items you find yourself no longer wearing or using. Clean out your closets every few months or so and keep your space clutter free.

By doing this you will sift out unwanted/unused items such as: clothes, shoes, jackets, scarves, old purses or anything else you have not used or worn for a while.

Don’t just stay at the closets. Donate movies, board games and home decor items you find you’ve grown out of or have replaced over the years.

Get others Involved

The last thing people with clean homes do, is get their family members involved. Getting others involved encourages everyone to work as a team with the home and ensures it is well kept.

I hope that this post on 10 habits of people with clean homes has encouraged you today!

What are the challenges you face with everyday tasks? Leave me a comment on the bottom. I would love to hear what challenges you seem to face. Have a great day!

You also may like this post on 9 Habits of People with Organized Homes.

Til Next Time,

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