Ever wonder how some people stay organized and seem to keep their home and life that way? Well, with these 9 habits of people with organized homes below. You and your home are sure to be on your way to an organized life as well!

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1. They Get Rid of Trash

Yeah, I know this sounds simple. But the first step to having an organized home is throwing out trash.

It is extremely easy for papers, junk mail, and trash to pile up on you before you even realize it.

Ever hold on to old receipts or set junk mail on the kitchen counter, just to throw out later?

Those that have organized homes know when to throw out old receipts, junk mail and anything that is going to make it to the trash later on, right away.

2. Put Items Away When Done

The trick to keeping and having an organized home is getting into the habit of putting those items away where they belong. Once you are done using an item you should immediately place them right back into their home place.

By leaving your items out, you will allow clutter to control your counters and/or bedrooms. Putting the items away immediately after you are done will save you many hours of work later down the road.

3. Organize rooms regularly

By organizing your rooms regularly you will not only ensure that your home stays organized and clutter free. But also, when you are needing to find a certain item, you will be able to find what you need right away because you have a clean environment.

Folding your laundry, filing important papers, placing dirty and clean dishes where they belong and donating items you find you don’t use anymore will keep the pile ups away.

Control the items in your home and the clutter will not feel like it has control of you or your home anymore.

4. Use Baskets

Using baskets to organize your life and things is another thing that organized people do! Baskets not only look great and decorative but also keep things in an orderly manner.

9 habits of people with organized homes

Try utilizing baskets by storing your toiletry items, throw blankets, guest towels and more.

5. Use Labels to Your Advantage

Have you ever looked for something in your garage or attic for hours? Opened up every single storage container, to not find what you were hoping to?

Well, with labeling your boxes you will find exactly what you want right when you want it.

So, use labels to your advantage today! Save time and never waste any more hours looking for your Christmas ornaments and home decorations anymore.

6. They are careful with purchases

When shopping they are very careful with what they purchase. Having a goal in mind for a certain item before buying is always a wise choice.

Think about how much you really are planning on using that specific item you are wanting to purchase. If you aren’t planning on using it to make your life easier then you probably honestly won’t use it.

Asking yourself honest questions will help you determine whether you really will use that item or if it will wind up in a corner collecting dust somewhere.

7. Routine

Routine is another big one when it comes to keeping your home organized and under control.

Setting your own routine by having a cleaning schedule, throwing out garbage, and donating items you haven’t used or worn in 6 months will help you and your home in the long run.

Once you have your own routine in play, organization will no longer be a daunting task.

8. Never Leave Dirty Dishes in Sink

Always hate waking up and seeing dirty dishes in the sink? I know I do. The trick here is to immediately wash and put away your dirty dishes once you are finished eating.

habits of people with organized homes

Don’t forget to wipe down the counters. 😉

Putting your dirty and clean dishes away will keep your kitchen looking clean and nice all the time and everyday. You won’t have to wake up to another dirty dish to clean before work again.

9. Purge Refrigerator/Pantry

Last but not least. Purging. Purging through your refrigerator weekly will relieve your space of uneaten left overs and expired food.

Also, re-organizing and purging your pantry once a month or so will keep your shelves from getting overwhelmed and filled with old cracker or chip bags that have been partly eaten and then forgotten about. (Not that I’ve ever done this before) 😉

Well, that is the 9 habits that people with organized homes do. I hope that this post inspired you to live the organized life that you truly desire.

If you liked this post please share! 🙂 Also, you can read about the 10 Habits of people with Clean Homes.

Til next time.

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