No bake oreo pie is probably the most easiest, simple pie to make. With only 5 ingredients, it’s perfect for any occasion. Follow along and see if it is not true for you! 🙂

Oreo Pie Crust:

  The first step to make is the oreo crust.

You can either buy a premade oreo pie crust at the store in the frozen department or make your own oreo pie crust.

If you are wanting to make your own pie crust then follow the next steps:

  • 25 oreo cookies (wafers including the filling)
  • 5 Tbsp. butter (melted).

 1.   Use a food processor to crush the cookies. If you don’t have a food processor you can place them in a ziploc bag and crush them with either a rolling pin, or the bottom of the pie dish.

2. Place the crushed cookies in the pie dish.

3. Next, melt the butter and mix with the crushed cookies. Use a fork to squish the butter and crushed cookies to the bottom of the pan and up alongside the edges of your 9 in. pan until even and smooth.

4. Place the crust in the fridge while you are working on the oreo pie filling.


¾ C.Powdered Sugar

8 oz. Cream cheese

2 C. Whipped Topping

15 oreo cookies broken up

1.In a bowl beat the Cream Cheese and powdered sugar together until soft and creamy.

2. Fold in whipped topping with some crumbled up oreo cookies and mix together.

3. Place all of the ingredients for the filling into the pie crust and smooth the top.

For the last part I like to crumble up more cookies and add to the top but you can choose how you would like the topping to look.

Chill in the fridge for an hour and serve.

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